Increased Aircraft Noise Pollution In Greenwich

I live in a relatively new flat with quite a good EPC rating and double-glazed windows with good noise cancellation. But for the last six months, City Airport’s and Heathrow Airport’s air traffic has increased the air traffic above us so much that you can hear the planes with closed windows very easily. And over a hundred times a day.

And the worst part is, during to my wife’s health condition she’s hypersensitive to sounds. That means she has to wear her noise cancelling headphones when the noise is bad. And because of the aircraft noise for the last six months, that means wearing it all day every day.

I hear you saying, “What the hell? How is Heathrow’s traffic affecting Greenwich?”. Because the asshole pilots and their jackass airlines plot the route to start descending over the Thames River, they are already halfway in their descent when they are over Greenwich.

I’m reading a lot of victim blaming online, saying, “Then don’t move into next to aircraft routes”. Well, I didn’t. The traffic got bad only recently. Whoever is managing these airports isn’t listening to people. Whoever is in charge of these things on councils is sleeping on the job.

Honestly, I don’t even know where to make a complaint. Is there a government website? Is there a council email address? What the fuck can I do?