MRI Compatible Face Masks in the UK
I was looking this up today, to find FFP2 or FFP3 face masks (or respirators as they call it) to use within an MRI machine. Because of how MRI machines affect the metals, even the smallest ones, you can’t use a regular face mask during a scan. Even if you remove the nose bridge metal (which would render the seal useless), some masks are embedded with silver particles to help with effectiveness. They can heat up on a machine and burn your face.
For that, I found ReadiMask to be the most practical, but it’s not sold in the UK. So, I had to seek alternatives.
The link below is an excellent article on which respirators are MRI compatible, and because they sell them, they put the links into the article as well.

I ordered both Easimask FSM18 and Moldex 3250, which both are FFP3, and will do a fit test at home to see which one is more comfortable. Links for those are below for easy access.